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10.5.3 Async Ports

An async port is a requires of builtin type dzn.async which is defined in the behavior of a component.

  ::= "requires" "dzn.async" async-parameter-list? identifier ";"
  ::= "(" async-parameter ("," async-parameter)* ")"
  ::= data-type identifier

For example:

requires dzn.async (int i) defer;

The builtin dzn.async interface can be represented like this:

namespace dzn
  interface async (formals)
    in void req (formals);
    in void clr ();
    out void ack (formals);

      bool idle = true;
          on req: idle = false;
          on clr: {}
          on clr: idle = true;
          on inevitable: {ack; idle = true;}

Note: The use of dzn.async is discouraged for new programs, it will be replaced by defer in version 2.16, see the “wip-defer” branch.