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5.7 Indirect blocking out event

The in-event on the provides port (p.a) blocks (does not return) until a reply is handled. This happens in the handling of the requires port out-event (r.b). Also see Blocking.

interface I
  in void a ();
  out void b ();
    on a: b;

interface I2
   in void a ();
   out void b ();
     bool idle = true;
     [idle] on a: idle = false;
     [!idle] on a: illegal;
     [!idle] on inevitable: {idle = true; b;}

component indirect_blocking_out
  provides I p;
  requires I2 r;
    blocking on p.a (): r.a ();
    on r.b (): {p.b (); p.reply ();}

If the keyword blocking in above example would be omitted it would lead to an erroneous situation since the provides in-event (p.a) would return before the provides out-event (p.b) would have been generated.