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8.1 Integrating C++ Code

This chapter describes the C++ code that is generated by Dezyne and the integration thereof.

8.1.1 Introduction

Every wellformed Dezyne model can be automatically converted into a corresponding wellformed C++ representation. A verified Dezyne model can be automatically converted into a corresponding C++ representation which when executed exhibits the same behavior as one can observe in the Dezyne simulation and verification of said model.

In Dezyne there are three model types: interface, component and system.

In this chapter we cover the code which is generated from these models as well as the way the generated code might be integrated.

8.1.2 Interfaces

Dezyne turns an interface such as:

interface some_interface
  in void in_event();
  out void out_event();

    on in_event: out_event;

into the following C++ class representation:

struct some_interface
    dezyne::function<void()> in_event;
  } in;
    dezyne::function<void()> out_event;
  } out;

Each event in an interface is a slot to which a value of something with the appropriate callable signature can be assigned. A callable value in C++ is either: a function pointer or a functor. For example:

void foo(){}
some_interface port;
port.out.out_event = foo; = port.out.out_event;

Note that the last statement above short circuits the in_event to the out_event as is described in the Dezyne interface.

8.1.3 Components

One could consider a component to be no more than the connecting part between all of its ports. For example:

import some_interface.dzn;

component some_component
  provides some_interface provided_port;
  requires some_interface required_port;

in which case a simplified C++ representation might look like this:

struct some_component
  some_interface provided_port;
  some_interface required_port;
  some_component ()
  : provided_port ()
  , required_port ()
      = dezyne::ref (;
      = dezyne::ref (provided_port.out.out_event);

Note that dezyne::ref allows short circuiting events which will be initialized at a later stage.

Of course for all practical purposes one would expect a component to be more complicated to be able to meet all of its interface contracts.

8.1.4 Systems

Along the same lines a Dezyne system may aggregate other components and systems and bind them together by their ports. For example:

import some_component.dzn;

component some_system
  provides some_interface provided_port;
  requires some_interface required_port;
    some_component top;
    some_component middle;
    some_component bottom;
    provided_port <=> top.provided_port;
    top.required_port <=> middle.provided_port;
    middle.required_port <=> bottom.provided_port;
    bottom.required_port <=> required_port;

or depicted in a diagram:


8.1.5 Integration

Constructing such a system using Dezyne is straightforward. Every model can be automatically converted into code and by the hierarchical nature of Dezyne all components and systems slot together automatically, however two facilities are required to allow this: the dezyne runtime and the dezyne locator. Both are provided by Dezyne.

In C++ the main function for this system might look like this:

#include "some_system.hh"
#include "dezyne/runtime.hh"
#include "dezyne/locator.hh"
int main()
  dezyne::locator loc;
  dezyne::runtime rt;
  //construct the system
  some_system system(loc);
  //connect the outer events directed at the system
  system.provided_port.out.event = []{
    std::cout << "system.provided_port.out.event" << std::endl;
  };  = []{
    std::cout << "" << std::endl;
  //and finally fire some of the external events;

Runtime: The runtime takes care of decoupling the events between the caller and the callee when this is required.

Locator: The locator allows injecting the implementation behind a port deep into the system from the outside.

In the example you can see that the locator facility is also responsible for passing an instance of the runtime into the system. Injection example:

interface Foo
  in void bar();
    on bar:{}
component some_component2
  provides some_component2 provided_port;
  requires injected Foo required_port;
  behavior { /* ...  */ }
int main()
  dezyne::locator loc;
  dezyne::runtime rt;
  Foo foo; = []{/*no op*/};
  some_component comp(loc);;

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