Dezyne-IDE 2.15.4 released

July 13, 2022

Dezyne-IDE 2.15.4 is a bug-fix release.

The Verum Team.


Here are the binary downloads:


Changes in 2.15.4 since 2.15.3

For changes in the Dezyne core see Dezyne core release 2.15.4.

About Dezyne-IDE

The Dezyne-IDE is a commercial product by Verum, created especially for the demanding, or the professional Dezyne developer. The Dezyne-IDE is built around the FLOSS command-line version of Dezyne: While the Dezyne-IDE is a must for any productive developer, it is "only" a convenience; because all core dezyne tools are free and open source software, there is never any chance of vendor lock-in. Also, by buying the Dezyne-IDE, you get support on Dezyne and are sponsoring the development of the Dezyne command-line tools.

About Dezyne

Dezyne is a programming language and a set of tools to specify, validate, verify, simulate, document, and implement concurrent control software for embedded and cyber-physical systems.

The Dezyne language has formal semantics expressed in mCRL2 developed at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). Dezyne requires that every model is finite, deterministic and free of deadlocks, livelocks, and contract violations. This is achieved by means of the language itself as well as builtin verification through model checking. This allows the construction of complex systems by assembling independently verified components.

Dezyne is free software, it is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public Licence version 3 or later.

About Verum

Verum, the organization behind the Dezyne language, is committed to continuing to invest in the language for the benefit of all its users. Verum assists its customers and partners in solving the software challenges of today and tomorrow, by offering expert consultancy on the application of the Dezyne language and the development and use of its tools, as well as on Verum's commercial tools like IDE support based on the LSP (Language Server Protocol), interactive integrated graphics, interactive simulation, (custom) code generation and (custom) runtime library support.